AnglicareWA is a not for profit community service organisation. They support people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life by building their resilience and capacity. They assist people with relationship issues, financial problems, and housing difficulties and ultimately want clients to thrive in today’s society.
Anglicare works with people from all walks of life – from Kununurra in the north to Albany in the south, from street corners to the halls of Parliament. They seek to influence policy makers and are widely respected for their expertise, leadership and capacity to drive positive and lasting change.
Anglicare’s philosophy is to support people through each stage of life’s journey.
Anglicare delivers 3 specific Men’s behaviour change programs and 1 individual counselling service for men which predominantly supports Men’s Behaviour Change clients.
Changing Tracks encourages men to manage their anger and learn to communicate in a healthy, effective and safe manner.
Changing Tracks provides a 24 week group program. Clients can hear and share stories with others in similar situations and access support in a respectful and confidential environment. The course teaches participants methods of anger management and how to reprogram their responses to conflict and stress.
Individual counselling is also made available to work through issues and address the source of violent, abusive behaviour. Counselling is confidential, respectful and professional.
Domestic violence is a cycle. Changing Tracks interrupts that cycle and prevents it from perpetuating. Anglicare WA hopes to motivate change in men’s lives, and promote compassionate relationships free of abuse.
MensTime is a program designed to assist, empower and educate men on a variety of issues, and develop their own self-reliance.
The service offers professional counselling that is private and confidential. All counsellors have tertiary qualifications in psychology, social work or counselling and group facilitation. Counsellors can assist clients to work through multiple issues by providing advice, strategies, referral and relevant information.
Anglicare WA hopes to provide men with reliable support in an environment where they are comfortable.