In collaboration with DCPFS, SFV has aided in the completion of the project plan for the implementation of NOSPI in WA.
The project plan is part of an ongoing process to strengthen safety for victims, accountability for perpetrators, and help define roles and responsibilities within the FDV systems response. This will support identification and responses to perpetrators, keeping them within view of the system, especially in terms of ongoing risk assessment and risk management.
Target Outcomes of the Project Plan:
- Improved awareness, and identification of strategies to address gaps between NOSPI and service providers’ current role in perpetrator response work.
- Increased understanding of responsibilities and linkages with regard to the NOSPI, including strengthening information sharing, data collection and collaborative working.
- Increased understanding of training required for the implementation of the NOSPI.
SFV Consultations and NOSPI
SFV engaged in a comprehensive consultation process with service providers across the community services sector including drug and alcohol agencies, justice, law, housing, child protection, community men’s support groups, agencies working with CALD clients, Aboriginal Specific agencies, psychologists, Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCP) providers, Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services, specialist women and children’s FDV services, and WA Police, with NOSPI being on the focus of the discussions.
SFV’s consultations leading up to the report highlighted specific improvements and opportunities for perpetrator interventions, including:
- The need for an increased awareness across agencies around the NOSPI themselves but also about the availability and accessibility of MBCPs.
- The need for a continual improvement of positive working relationships across agencies.
- Training for staff in both targeted and non-targeted perpetrator interventions.
- Improved assessment of risk for both harm to the victim and potential harm from the perpetrator.
- Improved data collection systems and training for service providers.
- Flexibility and scope of MBCP in both metropolitan and regional areas.
Relationship Development
- SFV are now a part of the Humanitarian Entrants Interagency Network (HEIN) meetings which meet bi-monthly. The meetings focus on participating agencies increasing their knowledge of services available for CALD communities.
- SFV and Holyoke (AOD sector) are working collaboratively to develop ways to hold perpetrators accountable. In doing so SFV will be providing a one day training event for Holyoke staff. The training will focus on how to work with perpetrators of FDV in an AOD context. This will include how to ask “difficult questions” and how to build rapport and motivation for change when working with a perpetrator and strategies to avoid collusion and perpetrator disengagement. It will also examine and unpack the similarities and differences around substance use and violence focusing on the commonality that both behaviours are ultimately a choice. Other topics will include referral pathways for specialist services and what follow up needs to consider in these collaborations. The training will also consider and unpack the correlation between substance abuse and FDV and explore the complexity from an evidence based perspective. Finally, the training will also emphasise and explore the importance of always maintaining a victim focus in any work with Perpetrators and understanding the impact on women and children.
- SFV has been working with WAPOL to develop training for new recruits on how best to interact with perpetrators and create opportunities for intervention. The team also provided input into scripts which have been recorded by actors to represent perpetrators of FDV.